Publications & reports
This report highlights some of the efforts made and supported by LPI in 2020. It provides examples of the work of partners and people engaging for peaceful change.
This report explores the ways in which language affects inclusive decision-making on peacebuilding, reducing opportunities for meaningful engagement between global decision makers on peace and conflict and local peace actors that lead the…
Sedan Life & Peace Institute (LPI) först började arbeta i Sverige 2018 genom vårt Peacefinders-projekt har vi försökt att fördjupa vår förståelse av det svenska samhället på olika sätt. Genom möten med unga, med samarbetspartners och med…
Ten Years of Sustained Dialogue Across Universities in Ethiopia
The Sustained Dialogue Project is one of the primary and longest running fruits of the collaboration between the Life & Peace Institute and the Peace and Development Centre. When we piloted it at Addis Ababa University in 2009, it was…
Contribution à l’examen du dispositif de consolidation de la paix des Nations Unies (ONU) de 2020
Ce rapport est la soumission écrite du Life & Peace Institute (LPI) et de ses partenaires au processus d’examen du dispositif de consolidation de la paix des Nations Unies (ONU) de 2020. Fruit d'une série de consultations, il rassemble les …
Driven by inequality, deprivation and marginalisation, violent extremism are among the major challenges to peace and security in the continent and particularly in the Horn of Africa. Over the past years, the global community has called for…
Collaborative Learning from the Bottom-up
Identifying Lessons from a Decade of Peacebuilding in North and South Kivu through Bottom-up Evaluation (2009-2019)
Collaborative Learning from the Bottom-up
Identifying Lessons from a Decade of Peacebuilding in North and South Kivu through Bottom-up Evaluation (2009-2019)