Our strategy
Our work focuses on three interrelated strategic priorities:

1. Inclusive engagement for peace
Civil society actors and community members play a critical role in the systemic transformation of conflict to sustainable peace at all levels of society. We support collaborative and inclusive civil society engagement and action with critical actors, including informal and formal civil society, traditional and local authorities, non-state actors, and marginalised groups such as women, young people, and other minority groups. This support includes collaborative joint engagement in research, action, policy influencing, and capacity enhancement.

2. Policy engagement and awareness raising
Policy frameworks and legislation play a critical role in shaping institutional behaviour and people’s lives to bring about sustained peace in societies. Engagement and informed linkages between all levels—local, subnational (state or province), national, regional, and global—are crucial for creating systemic change. We engage directly and in collaboration with others on raising awareness among policymakers. We do this by supporting inclusive policy development processes on issues affecting peace and conflict in people’s lived experience. We encourage and motivate influential actors to fulfil their responsibilities to promote peace and address potential grievances and drivers of conflict through this engagement. We enhance awareness of civil society conflict transformation processes and raise pertinent policy issues deriving from the work in the field.

3. Collaborative learning to enhance practice and policy
Through learning and documentation, we both improve our practice and share our knowledge and experience with relevant stakeholders. The experience of participants at all levels and in multiple forms is critical for knowledge generation. We seek to establish strategic partnerships between conflict-affected communities and linking them to relevant local, regional, and international researchers, policymaking organisations and institutions, academic actors, peacebuilding practitioners. Simultaneously, we gather relevant concepts, research findings, and experiences from other contexts, sectors, and organisations to communicate this information to LPI staff and partners.
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