Our partners
At the very core of LPI lies an emphasis on partnership with a diversity of civil society, academic and policy actors. In 2018, we worked with 50 partners to support everyday people experiencing violent conflict. With our partners, we also engage a broad variety of decision-makers to seek structural responses to conflict issues and respond to those experiencing violent conflict.
Partner organisations in focus

Act Change Transform (ACT!)
is a leading Kenyan not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation involved in diverse peace and development initiatives. LPI has been partnering with ACT! since 2017 on the HARP Cross-Border Cooperation project.

Action pour le Développement et la Paix endogènes (ADEPAE)
a non-governmental and non-religious organization was founded in 1997. It was created in the context of the post-war 1996-1997 with a goal to contribute to the restoration of a climate of peace, peaceful coexistence between tribal communities and the reconstruction of the province of South Kivu, DRC. ADEPAE is a partner on LPI’s DRC programme.

African Union (AU)
is a continental body consisting of the 55 member states that make up the countries of the African Continent. It was officially launched in 2002 as a successor to the Organisation of African Unity (OAU). LPI and the AU signed an MOU in 2014.

Ahfad University for Women
is a private women's university in Omdurman, Sudan. LPI has been working with Afhad on the Sudan Sustained Dialogue project.

Ambo University
is a university in Ambo, Oromia, Ethiopia. It is approximately 119 kilometres west of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. LPI partners with Ambo University under the Ethiopia Sustained Dialogue project.

Bahir Dar University
is a public research university in the city of Bahir Dar, the capital of the Amhara National Regional State in Ethiopia. The University is a combination of two smaller institutes formed earlier, after the departments were gradually raised to a degree level starting from 1996. LPI partners with Bahir Dar University under the Ethiopia Sustained Dialogue project.

Dalanj University
is located in Southern Kordofan State, close to the border with South Sudan. In this conflict affected area, the university campus is an important space where ethnic and religious divisions come to the fore. LPI works with The Peace and Development Studies Center (PDSC) at Dalanj University under the Sudan programme.

East Africa Sub-Region Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women (EASSI)
Sub-regional CSO working in eight countries: Burundi, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania. EASSI, established in 1996, is mandated to monitor the gender equality commitments of East African governments. LPI and EASSI are partners since 2017 under the HARP Cross-Border Cooperation project.

Gesr Centre for Development
Founded in 2009 in Sudan, Gesr aims to develop young people and to promote their participation in society. LPI entered into partnership with Gesr in 2019 under the Sudan programme.

The University of Gondar
until 2003 known as the Gondar College of Medical Sciences, is the oldest medical school in Ethiopia. Established as the Public Health College in 1954, it is located in Gondar, the former capital of Ethiopia. LPI partners with Gondor University under the Ethiopia Sustained Dialogue project.

Haramaya University
is a public research university in Haramaya, Oromia, Ethiopia. It is approximately 478 kilometres east of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. LPI partners with Haramaya University under the Ethiopia Sustained Dialogue project.

Inter Africa Group (IAG)
An independent non-profit organization established in 1989 with a mission of supporting sustainable development, strengthening democratic institutions and promoting peace and security in the Horn of Africa. IAG has been a long time partner of LPI under HARP.

Inter-governmental authority on development (IGAD) Conflict prevention and Early Warning Division (CEWARN)
Launched in 2002, the basic underlying mission of CEWARN is to assess situations that could potentially lead to violence or conflicts and prevent escalation. CEWARN has primarily focused on avoiding conflicts related to cross-border pastoralist and other associated issues. LPI has had an Memorandum of Understanding with IGAD since 2016.

The Inter-Religious Council of Ethiopia (IRCE)
Established in 2010, IRCE seeks to promote and systematize interfaith learning collaboration to address common concerns across Ethiopia. The council currently has seven member religious institutions, including: the Ethiopian Orthodox Church (EOC), Ethiopian Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC), the Ethiopian Catholic Church (ECC), The Evangelical Churches Fellowship of Ethiopia (ECFE), The Ethiopian Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDAC), The Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY) and Ethiopian Kale Hiwot churches (EKHC). LPI partners with IRCE under its Ethiopia Programme.

Jimma University
is a public research university located in Jimma, Ethiopia. The establishment of Jimma university dates back to 1952 when Jimma college of Agriculture was founded. LPI partners with Jimma University under the Ethiopia Sustained Dialogue project.

Mandera Peace and Development Committee
MPDC is a community-based organisation that has coordinated, harmonized, and facilitated peacebuilding programmes in Mandera, Kenya since 2000. MPDC’s goal is to support pastoral and urban communities moving towards long-term peaceful coexistence through peacebuilding, environmental, and human security programmes. LPI and MPDC engage communities in dialogue processes across Mandera County, focusing particularly on young people. LPI works with MPDC under the Kenya programme.

Organization for Social Sciences Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA)
A regional membership-based and donor-supported research and capacity-building organisation whose mission is to promote dialogue and interaction between researchers and policy-makers in Eastern and Southern Africa with a view to enhancing the impact of research on policy-making and development planning. Headquarters: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. OSSREA and LPI are partners under the HARP programme.

Peace Development Centre (PDC)
is one of the oldest local peace organisations in the Ethiopia. LPI and PDC have partnered since PDC’s foundation in 1989.

Réseau d'Innovation Organisationnelle (RIO)
Established in 2003, Rio is a network of people and organizations active in the development of their companies and organizations. It organizes activities to enable leaders and ecclesiastical institutions, civil society organizations to know each other. RIO partners with LPI in its DRC programme.

Reseau des Cadres de ConcertatIon Intercommunautaire (RCCI)
is a partner of LPI’s DRC programme since 2019.

Somali Peace Line (SPL)
SPL, or ’Tubta Nabadda’ [the way to peace], was founded in 1995, with the ambition to consolidate a ’home-grown’ peace movement and support Somalia’s civil society in achieving peace. LPI’s partnership with SPL is our longest in Somalia, collaborating since 2008 on a range of research and peacebuilding projects. Whilst much of our focus over the years has been in supporting the traditional peacebuilding role of the clan elders, more recently we have strengthened efforts to engage women and youth in peacebuilding.

Somali Women’s Solidarity Organization (SWSO)
SWSO was formed in 2006 as a community based organisation (CBO) that is engaged in promoting solidarity and increasing women’s participation in decision-making processes. Works with LPI to bring clan groups together to address conflict together, through using the strengths of the traditional conflict resolution systems, but works to make them more inclusive and adapted to today’s conflict dynamics.

Somali Women’s Studies Centre (SWSC)
SWSC is a women-led and women founded organisation, established in 2011. LPI has worked with SWSC under the Somalia programme since 2018.

Students for Sustainable Action (SSA)
SSA is an association formed by students at Jönköping University who are interested in and passionate about sustainability. LPI works with SSA on its Sweden programme.

Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM)
has worked with LPI towards the prevention of violent incidences and a strengthened sense of community and social cohesion.

Wajir Peace Development Agency (WPDC)
WPDC is a network of 27 governmental and non-governmental organizations representing a variety of people including businesswomen, elders and religious leaders, operating primarily in the Wajir District of northeastern Kenya. WPDC is one of LPI’s partners under the Kenya programme.

Zamzam Foundation (ZZF)
ZZF, founded in 1992, is the largest Islamic charity active across Somalia. ZZF has been engaged in peace-building since its partnership with LPI began in 2011. ZZF has been implementing the ‘Conflict Transformation and Inter-Clan Joint Resource Management in Central Somalia (CRM)’ project, completing its second phase in the end of 2018.