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Updates from our work

Season's Greetings and Year-in-Review Highlights!

The Limitations of Xeer and Community-Based Reconciliation in Jowhar

Community Perceptions of Kenya’s Transitional Justice Process: Assessing the Inclusion of Marginalised Groups

Navigating the Horn’s Borders: What do cross-border traders, farmers and pastoralists from the Horn of Africa have in common?


Navigating the Horn’s Borders

How Much is a Seed Money Worth? The Impact of a Small Grant on Borderland Communities

LPI’s Executive Director takes on the Chair of the European Peace Liaison Office (EPLO)

Formalising Informal Trade: A Modern Cross-Border Market under Construction in Busia

Opening a Window to Diverse Perspectives: Voices from a Kenya Peacebuilding Architecture Review Workshop

Halima Godane Hooyada Nabadda Jubbaland - Mother of Peace