Publications & reports
Au-delà des Groupes Armés
Conflits locaux et connexions sous-regionales L’exemple de Fizi et Uvira (Sud- Kivu, RDC)
Adepae, Ark of the Covenant, RIO and Life & Peace Institute are proud to present the research report on intercommunal conflicts in Uvira Territory and Fizi, South Kivu, DR Congo. The report is called "Beyond Armed Groups: Local Conflicts and Sub-Regional Connections. The example of Fizi and Uvira. This report, which is the product of a Participatory Action Research conducted over several years, was initially finalized in 2010. Since then, it has been the subject of several enrichments by the communities in question. Explaining the different points of view of the communities was more important for LPI and its partners than a quick publication, so as not to disrupt the current conflict transformation process.

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Adepae, Arche d’Alliance, RIO et Life & Peace Institute sont fiers de vous présenter le rapport de recherche portant sur les conflits intercommunautaires en Territoire d’Uvira et Fizi, Sud-Kivu, RD Congo. Le rapport est appelé « Au-delà des Groupes Armés : Conflits Locaux et Connexions Sous-Régionales. L’Exemple de Fizi et Uvira ». Ce rapport, qui est le produit d’une Recherche Action Participative menée pendant plusieurs années, avait initialement été finalisé en 2010. Depuis là, il a fait l’objet de plusieurs enrichissements par les communautés en question. Le fait de bien expliquer les différents points de vue des communautés était plus important pour LPI et ses partenaires qu’une publication rapide, à fin de ne pas perturber le processus de transformation de conflits en cours.
Finalement, un addendum a été écrit en octobre 2011 pour expliquer l’évolution de la situation depuis 2010.
Adepae, Ark of the Covenant, RIO and Life & Peace Institute are proud to present the research report on intercommunal conflicts in Uvira Territory and Fizi, South Kivu, DR Congo. The report is called 'Beyond Armed Groups: Local Conflicts and Sub-Regional Connections. The example of Fizi and Uvira'. This report, which is the product of a Participatory Action Research conducted over several years, was initially finalized in 2010. Since then, it has been the subject of several enrichments by the communities in question. Explaining the different points of view of the communities was more important for LPI and its partners than a quick publication, so as not to disrupt the current conflict transformation process.
Finally, an addendum was written in October 2011 to explain the evolution of the situation since 2010.